About Canyon Moon Studio
Canyon Moon Studio has been a long time dream of designer and patternmaker Megan Green. When she began her garment sewing journey, there were hardly any patterns available in her size. Plus size options have expanded in the last several years, but there is still a gap across all sizes in what we like to call “sewing patterns for your next adventure”.
What do we mean by this? We design sewing patterns for clothes that are meant to fit and function and not get in the way of your everyday life. Clothing that you can wear both to work and won’t feel like you need to change out of after work, whether you are taking your dog on a hike or taking your kids to the park. Clothing that works on the weekend for a yoga class, running errands, or your Netflix binge. And hopefully in the future, clothing for your bigger adventures like skiing, biking, and whitewater rafting.
Our patterns are designed and drafted for plus sizes, by someone who is plus sized. At Canyon Moon Studio, fit is our priority! Unlike most other pattern companies, our patterns are designed and tested on plus sizes first, then adapted to straight sizes once we feel we have really nailed the plus size design. We believe your handmade clothing should enhance your adventures, not hold you back!
Canyon Moon Studio is located in northern New Mexico on ancestral Pueblo de San Ildefonso lands. We believe in an inclusive sewing community, our patterns are non gendered and we use non gendered language throughout our website and pattern directions. While we don’t believe in using the word “inclusive” when it comes to sizing, because inevitably you can’t include every size and every body type in one pattern line, we have attempted to be as expansive as possible. Please reach out if you need a larger pattern size and we would be happy to work with you. We are always striving to improve, please let us know if we can do better!
About Megan
Megan is a hydrologist by day, but spends most of her free time in the sewing room trying to create the perfect handmade wardrobe. She learned to sew from her mother (who learned to sew from her mother), but didn’t start sewing in earnest until 2012, shortly after she moved to New Mexico and found her plus size shopping options severely limited. At that point she began sewing nearly all of her clothing and never looked back. As a self-described fitting nerd, she teaches classes in northern New Mexico with the intent of helping folks of every size make beautiful fitting and comfortable clothing. She completed a Certificate in Fashion Design from Santa Fe Community College in 2022.
When she is not sewing, she can be found endlessly redecorating her mid-century home, hanging out with her tiny pack of tiny dogs, skiing or rafting (depending on the season), and seeking out the best hot springs in the Southwestern US.